About Me

Diving in Koh Chang, Thailand – Jan 2012

About Me. My name is Sara and I’m a ‘kiwi’ from Wellington, New Zealand (otherwise known as Aotearoa or land of the long white cloud). Kiwi’s are small flightless birds, a delicious green furry fruit, and a race of intrepid travellers with a hardy and friendly demenour. I think I come under the last category. Or at least I hope so. I’ve just packed up all my possessions into a 3×2 m storage container, sold my car, quit my job and embarked on an odyssey. Od·ys·sey [oduh-see] noun, pl., –seys. An extended adventurous voyage or trip. An intellectual or spiritual quest: an odyssey of discovery. So, as described by Homer, I hope you will follow me on my adventures and wanderings which over 8 months will take me across three continents: to parts of the USA, Central and South America, The United Kingdom and Japan. Along the way there will be hardships, notable experiences, moments to cherish, and hopefully new friendships. Which is good, because I’ll try most things once and like to push myself outside my comfort zone regularly. I suspect that will be the case while I am away. I like people who are passionate, honest and brave. I prefer sneakers to high heels, hats over hair-do’s, red wine over beer. My favorite meal is green papya salad (Som Tum). My favorite actor of all time is two-times sexiest man alive George Clooney. I have an eclectic taste in music including Leonard Cohen, The Eagles, Harry Connick Junior and R&B. My favorite song is Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good”. And I once had a chocolate labrador called “Rommel”.

“Whatever you want to do. Do it. there are only so many tomorrows.”

Tankies at the Waiouru Officers Mess ball circa 2001

Sara in Afghanistan circa 2005

Where I’ve Come From. I’ve spent the last 15 years serving as a Cavalry Officer in the Armoured Corps of the New Zealand Army. That might tell you a few things about me….. I have some style. Perhaps I’m a trail blazer too – some people would say that. Maybe someone who likes to break down barriers? Courageous? Determined? A beacon for women’s rights and equality. Or maybe just plain stupid? Well, whatever it is I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the military and it has shaped me (for better or worse), into the person I am today. Along the way I’ve been tested both physically, emotionally and morally. Sometimes more than I would like. I’ve learned some valuable life skills, met some wonderful people and had the opportunity to do some amazing things. I’ve learnt the intricacies of command, leadership and management and had the opportunity to apply these skills in far flung corners of the globe.

Sara competes as part of Team “Nasty Girls” 6 hr mountain bike relay

I’ve learnt that you have to be organised and have goals in life. And above all I’ve learned the importance of communicating and how to get the best out of people. I wouldn’t have changed anything for the world and hopefully these skills will hold me in good stead when I decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. And that leads on to what I am doing

now…..I’ll admit that I’m a bit of an ‘all-rounder’ and a ‘jack of all trades’ – I’ve always been into sports and the outdoors….hiking, snowboarding and skiing, hockey, surfing, golf, diving. You name it I’ve probably done it. But, I can be a terrible procrastinator….testiment to that is the fact that I didn’t get this blog up and running before I left. Another reason for that is that I am somewhat of a perfectionist. If I can’t do something well, what’s that point? If my friends were asked for three words to sum me up they would probably say: Determined, Considered, Fair. Or at least I hope so. I consider that I am a loyal friend, trustworthy and Although one of my nicknames is “Grumpy Harry”, so you don’t want to get on the wrong side of me haha!!

Muscle ups in Games Open WOD 12.5 after having just got my first one only 2 days prior!

A Turning Point. The past 3 years however have been a real turning point in my life. A time for professional development, academic reflection and growth. A time for change. The realisation that life if too short to hold grudges or hold back (in any area), and the importance of doing something that you truly love and that inspires you. A broken heart (or two). A new passion. And, slowly but surely over the past 18 months starting to move in a new direction. The catalyst I guess has been a thing called CrossFit. And, the one constant and the thing that has really grounded me in this turbulent time has also been CrossFit and the CrossFit community. I’ve always been what I would have called ‘fit’, but I know now that that wasn’t really that case. I was good at maybe one or two things. I mainly ran to keep fit, and have even completed 2 marathons in under 4 hours. I did some weights at the gym, occasionally went hiking or mountain-biking. Cycled to work. I played competitive hockey, and represented NZ at age group level in hockey and water-polo. During my time in the Army we did ‘battle fitness’ and I had always managed to reach the “100% club” on the 6 monthly fitness test.I could usually keep up, if not beat the the boys. And yet, my very first CrossFit workout with Matt and Donna at MaD CrossFit absolutely ‘killed’ me. A little 5 minute WOD (workout of the day) with rowing, squats, sit-ups, and pushups and pull-ups. It made me realise that I had a lot of weaknesses and that I had a long way to go to be a well-rounded athlete.  Through CrossFit I have learned that it’s about working out smarter, not longer. I have found a way to work out that motivates me and really pushes me to work as hard as I can. And most importantly, I have found a community of like-mined people and made many new friends. It’s a way of life that I have come to love and I couldn’t imagine my life without it.

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